Burn Care

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Burn Care

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What is it?

A burn is an injury to the skin from heating, power (e-lek-trih-sih-t), chemicals, or staying outside from the sun as longterm. Babies and young children have the highest risk of a burn injury. Most burns usually heal in 1 to 3 days.

Types of burns:

You can find three kinds of burns:

  • Firstdegree burns up off include no more than the outer layer of the skin. Skin may be red. It may also hurt when touched. A burn off up is usually off and really a mild burn up heals in a few days.
  • Second-degree burns are deeper and more intense. Skin may be blistered, bloated, and red. There is pain once the skin is touched. This burn up takes to heal.
  • Third-degree burns up off are the deepest and most worst. The skin is leathery or tough. It could look brown white, black, white or red. There might be no feeling when the burned skin is not touched.

Signs and Symptoms:

You may feel swelling and pain over the area that got burned. You may see blisters and redness. You feel dizzy, and might have fever, a headache.


Treatment is dependent on the kind of burn off up.

  • Usually a a mild second-degree burn up could be treated in your home. Place the skin. Gently wash off the burn together using soapy water. Pat it dry with a clean towel. Wrap a dry bandage over the burn off up. To lessen swelling, enhance the burn area above heart level. Drink 6 to 8 glasses (sodapop can size) of liquids daily.
  • More severe second-degree and 3rd degree burns needs to be treated by means of a care giver. For a negative burn up, you may need to get placed in the hospital to get care.
  • You will need pain medicine, need antibiotic (an-ti-bi-ah-tik) medicine to fight a disease or be given a tetanus shot.
  • If a burn is from electricity or steam, get immediate attention from by a physician.
  • If a burn is from a chemical, remove chemical from your skin or eyes with large amounts of cool running water (for atleast 1/2 an hour). Be sure to remove any clothing carefully so not to secure more chemical you.

Care Agreement

You have the right to help plan your attention. To help with this plan, you need to understand your health condition and how it may be treated. You can then discuss treatment options. Assist them to decide what care may be used to take care of you. You also have the right.

Further info

Always consult your physician to be sure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.

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